Maxon vient d’annoncer la sortie en septembre de la release 13 de leur logiciel Cinema 4D. Plein de jolie nouveautés en perspective, comme l’apparition de la 3D stéréoscopique, très à la mode [After Effects CS5.5 s’était vu rajouter cette fonction] plus tout un tas de fonctions améliorées comme un module de profondeur de champ plus réaliste, une interface redesignée, de meilleurs outils d’animation de persos, etc. Et mon préféré, une meilleure intégration avec After Effects notamment dans le cas de l’utilisation de multi caméras avec l’outil Stage qui marchait pas du tout avec After Effects et me fasait perdre un temps fou. Pour plus d’infos sur les nouveautés, je conseille de vous rendre sur la page de Cineversity qui lui est consacrée.
Maxon just unveiled the release of the release 13 of Cinema 4D. Lots of new features added like stereoscopic 3D [that has also been added to After Effects cs5.5] and a bunch of welcomed improvements like a new depth of field module, redesigned interface, better character animation tools, etc. And my favourite, a better integration with After Effects, especially with the Stage object and the multi cam render that wasn’t working at all with AE and made me waste a lot of time to work around. For more info, better head to Cinversity, they have a page set up with an overview of the improvements.
Maxon just unveiled the release of the release 13 of Cinema 4D. Lots of new features added like stereoscopic 3D [that has also been added to After Effects cs5.5] and a bunch of welcomed improvements like a new depth of field module, redesigned interface, better character animation tools, etc. And my favourite, a better integration with After Effects, especially with the Stage object and the multi cam render that wasn’t working at all with AE and made me waste a lot of time to work around. For more info, better head to Cinversity, they have a page set up with an overview of the improvements.
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